Monday, November 05, 2007

Anti-Piracy Ad Parody

This is a parody of the anti-piracy ad that you always see in theaters and sometimes at the beginning of DVDs. It was done by a TV show called the IT Crowd, which (I could be wrong) is only available in the UK. Anyways, its hilarious.

posted by Quinn Spicker at 7:50 AM, |


Healthy Bones for Height Improvement
If you are thinking of growing a few more inches, you must keep in mind that the most important thing do so is to maintain healthy bones. Just because we can still function properly and we don’t feel any pain in our joint doesn’t mean our bones are healthy. Having a fracture doesn’t mean it is unhealthy as well. Here are some of the things that you can do to make sure that you have healthy bones.
First, have the right amount of calcium and vitamin D. we all know that bones need calcium to increase bone density. Vitamin D, in contrast, is essential for the absorption of calcium. Foods that are loaded with calcium include milk, cheese and yogurt. You can get vitamin D by being exposed to early morning sun. You can also get it by eating eggs and salmon. Likewise, Vitamin K helps stimulate bone growth. You can find this vitamin in avocado and in spinach. Visit here for more .
For a bone to be healthy, it needs to undergo regular exercise. Regular exercise means following a routine daily. It would be best if you do your workout at the same time of the day, with increasing intensity. Take note that occasional exercise will not help. Physical activity strengthens bones in a way that cannot be done by just eating right.
Aside from a healthy diet and regular exercise, it is also important to have a regular dose of growth enhancers that will help boost your growth. Aging means your body produces less growth hormone that it did when your body was still young. Growth boosters such as Growth Flex V Pro System can help in this matter. Go to .